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Our Team

The Shingleton Eye Care Team is committed to providing you with superior eye care and service though a dedicated, team approach. Dr. Shingleton's entire team focuses on cataract, glaucoma and laser surgery. We have developed Clinical and Administrative teams that are trained to provide you with the highest quality, comprehensive eye care.

Dr. Shingleton

Dr. Shingleton is a world-renowned eye surgeon specializing in the medical, laser and surgical treatment of the eye. Dr. Shingleton performs more cataract and glaucoma operations than any other surgeon in New England. He has performed over 40,000 cataract, glaucoma and laser operations. He is an innovator and teacher of new laser and surgical techniques. This broad experience keeps him up-to-date on the latest techniques, which benefit you and your overall care.


Dr. Stephen Taylor, Dr. Claudine Kawabata and Dr. Kristy Wooler are trained to provide you with comprehensive eye care services including refractions, contact lenses and complete eye examinations. They have been trained directly by Dr. Shingleton to assist him in the pre- and post-operative care of surgical cataract and glaucoma patients. Dr. Shingleton reviews examinations with his optometrists and directs the care of all of these patients.

Our Administrators

Andrea Nespoli manages scheduling for Boston outpatient visits and can answer questions regarding the administrative aspects of your visit. She can be reached at 617-314-2614. Melissa Boushell coordinates surgical scheduling for Boston patients. If you have questions or concerns about surgery, please call her directly at 617-314-2612 or 1-800-635-0489. Ann Petrou coordinates surgical scheduling for the Cape office; Ann may be reached at 508-534-6082.

Our Patients

We are privileged by the trust our patients have placed in our team. Dr. Shingleton's patients travel to visit him from Boston, the state, the region and around the world with simple to highly complex problems. Our cumulative experience allows us to optimize your vision and improve your quality of life. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.

Now so clearly I do see;
A gift you've truly given me.
Gone the clouds that filled my eyes;
Bright I see God's heavenly skies.
Colours clear come into view;
For me this day they are as new.
Miracles wrought then by your hand;
A skill you've shared that's ever grand.
So a heartfelt thanks to you I'll say
May every blessing come your way!

-Poem by Frank Sivacek, one of Dr. Shingleton's patients

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