Bradford J. Shingleton MD

Cataract & Glaucoma Surgeon

Appointments 800-635-0489

Glaucoma Surgery Results

Glaucoma Surgery

The success rate for glaucoma surgery varies with the type and complexity of your glaucoma condition. In some situations, the success rate for intraocular pressure control approaches 90%. As a leading authority in glaucoma surgery, Dr. Shingleton regularly publishes articles and teaches colleagues how to best perform the latest techniques in glaucoma surgery. He has produced multiple videos on glaucoma surgery management and has gained a local and national reputation for excellence in glaucoma care. You have an excellent chance for success with your surgery with Dr. Shingleton and he will review the factors specific to your situation.

Laser Trabeculoplasty for Open Angle Glaucoma

Controls Pressure in approximately 75% of Patients

Dr. Shingleton and colleagues at Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston have treated more patients with laser trabeculoplasty for open angle glaucoma with published results over the longest period of time than most other practices in the world. Dr. Shingleton is the lead author of two scientific papers published in OPHTHALMOLOGY, The Journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, which address the long-term results of laser trabeculoplasty. To summarize, the success rate in terms of intraocular pressure control approaches 75% at one year and 50% at five years following laser treatment. The rate of pressure control at 10 years is slightly lower. There are many exceptions to these guidelines. Only after a thorough review of your condition can Dr. Shingleton adequately determine the applicability and effectiveness of laser trabeculoplasty treatment. Newer laser treatments are also now available that further expand the options available to Dr. Shingleton's patients.

Laser Iridectomy for Angle Closure Glaucoma

95% Cure Rate

Laser iridectomy cures Angle Closure Glaucoma in 95% of patients. Further treatment depends on the persistence of permanent closure. Dr. Shingleton has published scientific articles on special laser and surgical techniques for angle closure glaucoma after laser iridectomy.